165 – Restaurant Marketing Tips in 2023 for Restaurant Profitability

We continue our 2 part episode on the Best Restaurant Marketing tips in 2023 to grow your restaurant business.  A lot has changed, so you need to be thinking about pricing, profitability and product to get the most of your marketing campaigns.

Putting up or running a restaurant business is challenging. In order to alleviate some of the difficulties in running such a business we are providing a continuation of our previous episode, wherein we add more guidance in successfully marketing for and so you can grow your restaurant. These restaurant marketing tips all aim to increase restaurant profitability using ways that work in restaurants all over the world.

Restaurant Niches and how to Utilize them to Market Your Restaurant

Going after specific niches in the restaurant scene can help your business capture their intended market. There are a few good questions and ideas that can aid you in finding these niches and identifying which ones you should be targeting:

Have a look at the niches you are targeting
Have a series of avatars that simulate or predict niches
What are the food-specific niches that I’d be targeting?
Am I going to cater to vegetarian, flexitarian, meat-only?
Are the products gluten-free?

Challenges with Attaining and Retaining Employees

Restaurants have mostly remained the same regarding employee acquisition and retention. Below are common problems that restaurants may face when dealing with and finding employees:

Acquiring the right employees

Just like your products, it is also advisable to hire the right staff. You should make it enticing for your employees to work for your restaurant. It would be even better if you align your staff’s vision with your restaurant.

Retaining your workforce

Your staff is an essential part of the business, so it is of utmost importance to treat them properly. An excellent way to retain staff is to allot some time to have a good talk with your team. Ask them for their opinions and suggestions, are there any issues that need to be solved, is the workplace good for them?

An issue with wage

Something that changed negatively in this post-Covid era is that the job market has been shaken. In-contract staff is the same but slightly more expensive than before. But the really important thing is to have a great workplace where you can pay a fair wage to your team.

A good and functional website goes a long way

In today’s modern digital age, it is important to have a way for customers to see your offerings. Utilizing a decent and functional website properly will add a good deal of customers for your restaurant.

Optimize your delivery or take out business

The idea and execution of delivery and / or take out is often overlooked when planning a restaurant’s business strategy. Having a good delivery service offers a multitude of benefits. One of them is that it opens up a whole new set of customers who don’t want or don’t have the means to leave their homes.

And that is it for now. We hope these restaurant marketing tips in 2023 that we’ve discussed have shed a light or two on some of the concerns your restaurant business may be facing in 2023. We are also offering free Restaurant Website Audits where we find points to improve or fix on your website. Get a free 15-minute no obligation chat with us so we can help you figure out more about how to optimize your restaurant website and help you grow your restaurant business in 2023.

The biggest mistake we see with Restaurants and their marketing is….. Not Marketing.  Have a listen to this podcast to learn how you can run some successful marketing campaigns to grow your Restaurant.

Don’t forget to check out our free Restaurant Website Audits.  If you think you’re missing out on your fair share of customers, maybe your web developer has made some of the common mistakes.  Book a free 15-minute no-obligation chat with one of our team and get some ideas on how to find more customers.



The post 165 – Restaurant Marketing Tips in 2023 for Restaurant Profitability appeared first on Marketing 4 Restaurants.

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